
Domingo, Noviembre 18, 2018


Event Description

The Weaving a Future Together program will consist of various workshops including a biodynamic herb workshop, a nettle workshop, and a biodynamic calendar-making workshop. The Biodynamic Herbs workshop will include collecting seeds from some of the herbs used in biodynamic preparation making. The children will make seed balls with these seeds and will learn how to distribute the seed balls so that come springtime, they can expect to see these plant allies growing in those locations. The Fun With Nettles workshop will invite the children into a full sensory experience working with nettles. They will learn a nettle song, make nettle tea, and twist cordage with nettle fibers. In the calendar-making workshop, children can make their own calendars to bring home to help them track root, leaf, flower, and fruit days. The calendar provides a visual first step to understanding one of the core principles of biodynamic gardening, which is the connection of plant growth to the rhythms of the stars and planets. Note: the children's calendar works together with a biodynamic planting calendar such as Stella Nature.
