Reflections on Biodynamics and Organics

By Anthony Mecca Originally published in Great Song Farm's CSA Newsletter This past weekend I was at the Northeast Organic Farming Association (NOFA) Summer Conference in Amherst, MA, exhibiting for and connecting folks...

My Introduction to Homeodynamics with Enzo Nastati

By Stone Hunter When I arrived at Sustainable Settings in Carbondale, Colorado, in March 2015 for the continuation of my North American Biodynamic Apprenticeship (NABDAP) training, I landed into a world of shifting perspectives and...

Sacred Farming, a Collaboration with the Earth

By Jessie Crow Mermel Originally posted on the Angelic Organics Learning Center Blog (Jan. 18, 2017) “Farms are the places where we negotiate our relationship with nature,” explained Tom Spaulding,...

Benefits of a Biodynamic Education

Originally published by RSF Social Finance in the Winter 2016 RSF Quarterly Abbot Hill in Wilton, New Hampshire, is home to High Mowing School , a Waldorf boarding high school, and Temple-Wilton Community Farm, one of...