Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Biodynamic Association

Posted on Ago 28, 2018

By Thea Maria Carlson: This month marks an important moment for the Biodynamic Association and the biodynamic community throughout North America. We are excited to share that after months of development, the Board of Directors and staff of the Biodynamic Association (BDA) have adopted a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement....

Biodynamic Handprints

Posted on Jun 22, 2018

By Jon Biemer: As one of the Biodynamic Association’s newest members, I would like to share why I joined. First, I will share where I’m coming from.

In Memory of Peter Proctor

Posted on Jun 19, 2018

By Ted Lemon: With Peter’s passing, the biodynamic community loses one of the key keepers of the biodynamic flame during the period after World War II.

Biodynamics in India: SARG Biodynamic Preparation Making and Training Center

Posted on Mayo 22, 2018

By Thea Maria Carlson: On the last day of my two-week biodynamic journey in India, I ventured with several dozen others from around the world into the mountains of Northern India to SARG Vikas Samiti.

Compost and Biography

Posted on Abr 17, 2018

By Susan Kurz: Biography work is a little like making compost.

Creating an Ecosystem of Faiths for the Future of the Earth

Posted on Abr 4, 2018

By Robert Karp: Reflecting on a remarkable gathering of faith and sustainable agriculture leaders at FaithLands and the creation of an "ecosystem of faiths."

Crisis as Blessing

Posted on Mar 27, 2018

By Karen Davis-Brown: An interview with biodynamic beekeeper Gunther Hauk about his work, Spikenard Honeybee Sanctuary, and the new edition of Toward Saving the Honeybee.