Cultivating Justice and Healing

Posted on Jun 8, 2020

Dear friends,

The deaths of Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbrey, and George Floyd are the most recent of many Black lives that have been taken as a result of the institutional racism, anti-blackness, and culture of white supremacy that are woven into all aspects of our society. We recognize and express our condolences to the families and communities that have experienced profound loss due to systemic racism and anti-black sentiments permeating throughout our nation.

As an organization committed to renewing the health and wholeness of our communities through biodynamic agriculture, we know that racism has been bound to agriculture in the United States from colonial times to the present and that transforming the practice and culture of agriculture must include addressing the historical and contemporary injustices faced by our fellow human beings.

The deep need for...

Biodynamic Association and Demeter USA Will Unify to Nurture the Future of Biodynamics

Posted on Jun 1, 2020

We are excited to share with you a significant step forward in strengthening the capacity of the biodynamic movement in the United States to bring greater health and vitality to humanity and the Earth. The work leading up to this moment has been many years in the making, and the current global crisis only underlines its importance and urgency.

Building on our community-wide biodynamic movement visioning process in 2018 to sense into the future of biodynamics in the US and surface courageous questions facing the biodynamic movement, and the work of Council of Biodynamic Organizations over the past year to creatively reimagine a healthy, associative, collaborative, integrated, transparent, accountable, and functional ecosystem of biodynamic organizations in the United States, the boards of directors of the Biodynamic Association and...

Biodynamic Conference Update

Posted on Mayo 29, 2020

Now, more than ever, our world needs biodynamic practices and principles.

New Citizen Science Project: Experiencing the Life Quality of Our Soils

Posted on Abr 23, 2020

Welcome to the Biodynamic Research Group. We are an ad hoc group of gardeners, farmers, and scientists interested in research on biodynamics. Whether you are a farmer or a gardener, we invite you to participate in our first common research project in 2020.

Al Borde de la Vida - At The Edge of Life

Posted on Abr 20, 2020

Por Daniela Escudero: En mi sueño viviríamos en comunidad con familia y amigos, en paz y Harmonía. Yo sé, es un sueño un tanto grande. Pero para que soñar sino es en grande?

[English version below: In my dream, we would live in a community of family and friends in peace and harmony. I know, it’s a big dream. But why would you dream small dreams?]

Small-Scale Biodynamics Webinar Series - New earlier dates & by donation!

Posted on Abr 10, 2020

Are our current global circumstances inspiring you to get your hands in the soil and grow food in your garden, homestead, or small farm?

Reflections about Easter 2020 and Planting by the Moon

Posted on Abr 6, 2020

By Dewane Morgan: How using the moon phases in conjunction with the BD spray preparations has allowed me to adapt to local climate and growing conditions on a sandy loam soil in northcentral Minnesota