Proyectos científicos de agricultura biodinámica en universidades de nuestra región (México/Centroamérica)

Posted on Mayo 14, 2019

Por Heberto Rodas: Esta investigación, titulado "Estabilidad de compostas estáticas biodinámicas a partir de restos de cultivos regionales", documenta la adición de preparaciones biodinámicas a compost estático. La investigación fue llevada a cabo por Heberto Rodas y sus colegas en Nuevo León, México, y este documento marca la primera investigación biodinámica jamás publicada en una revista científica en México. [English version below: Scientific Projects in Biodynamic Agriculture in Regional Universities of Mexico and Central America]

Cows in the Goetheanum Park

Posted on Mayo 9, 2019

By the Goetheanum: Since April, cows have been grazing on the grounds of the Goetheanum Park alongside sheep again. Some people even know the cows by their names.

Passing It On: Hugh Courtney’s Preparation Making Workshops in 2019

Posted on Abr 29, 2019

By M Mueller: Once upon a time, Josephine Porter announced publicly that she would teach anyone who wished to know—and would come to her farm to learn—-how to make biodynamic preparations. Date and time were set. But only one student showed up: Hugh Courtney.

The Wisdom of Sophia: Food Justice, Sacred Feminine, Sacred Agriculture — Part 2

Posted on Mar 25, 2019

By Claudia J. Ford: The majority of our current food and farming methods are not just or healthy, they are not sacred — not for individuals, for communities, or for the planet. Yet, this is the very time when we can and are compelled to transform these systems.

The Wisdom of Sophia: Food Justice, Sacred Feminine, Sacred Agriculture — Part 1

Posted on Mar 21, 2019

By Claudia J. Ford: We are in a downward spiral that we are called on to transform to a sacred spiral.

Weaving a Global Fabric of Biodynamic Connection

Posted on Mar 13, 2019

By Thea Maria Carlson: My round-the-world journey was rich, full, and has brought many new ideas and inspirations back to my work in the US.

Fascines as Ecojewels of the Landscape

Posted on Mar 4, 2019

By Louis Laframboise: Rather than burning saplings and pruned branches or sending them to the compost pile where they take forever to decompose, or to noisy and smelly chippers, or to the landfill, they can be used on location in a wide range of applications.