Sharing Observations of Doing Farm Programs With Children

Bente, Jae and Aspen have all run farm programs. They have a lot to share about how they have done it and what they see in kids that attend these programs.

These gals are all experienced Waldorf teachers or in a training program to get that certification. Bente, in particular has had a long career both as a class teacher and 25 years now as a FarmWise LLC program leader in Wisconsin. She wrote a book about what kids learn while doing.  "Childhood is a Verb! Why a Virtual Childhood isn’t enough”

Event Type: 
Viernes to Domingo

Biodynamic Nutrition for Human Beings, Animals, and the Farm

Biodynamic nutrition considers physical substance as well as life forces, soul, and spiritual qualities. All that we take in from around us we must make our own. What we take in, and what we do with it, is a central question of nutrition. We will explore this perspective relating to the 'earthly' nutrition that comes primarily through our metabolism via substances, as well as the rareified 'cosmic' nutrition that comes through our nervous and sensory systems as well as through breathing.

Event Type: 
Viernes to Domingo

Observar como herramienta para el campesino (en español)

¿Es la observación una herramienta valiosa para la agricultura? La observación Goetheana puede considerarse como un ejercicio empírico para profundizar en el conocimiento del mundo natural. Con estos métodos también podemos fortalecer nuestro entendimiento del mundo vegetal, así como de la individualidad agrícola. Acompáñanos en estos ejercicios de observación para construir pequeños pasos en nuestra experiencia para estudiar nuestros ranchos.

Event Type: 
Viernes to Domingo