Our mission is to steward and restore 200,000 acres of South American Atlantic rainforest and create over 1,000 living wage jobs by 2020 by leveraging our Market Driven Restoration business model.
SteinerBooks is the publisher of the works of Rudolf Steiner, an Austrian educator, social reformer and esotericist who founded Anthroposophy. He is considered the father of Waldorf education, biodynamic agriculture, anthroposophical medicine and spiritual science. Steinerbooks also publishes the works of contemporary authors expanding on his thinking.
Quantum Agriculture is devoted to global agricultural restoration, integrating biodynamics, agro-homeopathy and biological practices in forestry, grazing, dairy, grains, vegetables, fruits and aquaculture. Full spectrum problem solving from the soil up with easy to read graphs, accurate analysis and recommendations. Visit www.quantumagriculture.com for information classes, workshops, education, research, newsletters and new book, Biodynamics and Beyond from co-founders Shabari Bird and Hugh Lovel.
Badger is a family run and family friendly company that makes certified organic and 100% natural personal care products ranging from lip balms to sunscreens. Badger is a New Hampshire Benefit Corporation and a certified B Corp, demonstrating its hard work to create a healthy business with ethical and charitable principles.