The annual conference hosted by Impulso Biodinamico de Mexico. 

The initial impetus that gave rise to the biodynamic meetings in our country arose thanks to a group of young people who shared their enthusiasm and commitment when they returned from the Latin American Meeting in Peru in 2013.

Until then, Mexico had seen the development of ABD in different parts of the country, but there was still no organized community. It was then that the drive of these young people determined that it was time to promote cohesion and collaboration between pioneers, students and apprentices, so that biodynamics would take a positive direction in Mexico. At the same time, the need arose to approach biodynamics from a social point of view, and therefore, create a point of convergence for the different manifestations that existed in the country at that time.

Thus, the collective work of individuals and organizations that began in 2013-2014 gave rise to what would be the first Mexican Biodynamic Meeting . During the meeting, the participants understood the importance of following up and continuing these events, so the decision was made to rotate the venue of the following meetings in order to learn about other projects and allow the biodynamic community in Mexico to grow organically.

It is worth mentioning that the first biodynamic ranch in the world is Finca Irlanda, which was founded in Tapachula, Chiapas in 1928 by the Peters family. This farm, as well as 10 other pioneering companies at the national level, have joined the movement, supported, participated and collaborated in different national and international meetings and events to found a biodynamic association representing Mexico in the world.

This is how Impulso Biodinámico de México AC was born in 2019. This association supports the development of this type of agriculture in Mexico, since it aims to be a point of convergence between people and initiatives that feel the call to heal the earth. This call is a job that requires a lot of will and effort since it is a great task to bring balance to the land that has been devastated by inappropriate agricultural use. It is our mission to recognize that this land is our support and our source of nutrition and connection with the spiritual world.

Event Details
Community Event
Rancho Biodinamico Las Canoas Altas AC Erongaricuaro , MIC
10/10/2024 to 10/13/2024