From Biodynamic Federation Demeter International:

An online seminar with Dr. Jasmin Peschke Wednesday 25 September at 2 pm CEST.  The food system needs a transformation and a change of mind. For this, good relationships are the basic requirement. Committed to encouraging people to cultivate their own self-determined form of eating and thus contribute to a healthy future, Dr Jasmin Peschke will present in this seminar the development from a “Food system to a Food Organism”, while introducing exercises to train the skills of being connected and managing the transformation.


We are all consumers we eat food and prepare meals. Our choice of foods determines what we buy and what we cook. This in turn influences how agriculture produces the foods. Through a varied diet of high-quality foods, we create the basis for a healthy life, for joy in our work and for our performance. Strictly speaking, we consumers are at the center! As a result of our eating habits, we create the conditions in which we live.


The principal question for all of us is, how we want to live on the earth, how we live with our fellow human beings, how we treat the animals, what attitude we have towards the plants – and, finally, how we relate to the earth and the cosmos. Our personal health cannot be looked at in isolation or independently of the environment. If we look beyond our own interests, we become interested in a sustainable food culture based on a healthy soil in healthy conditions. From farm to fork all actors play a common tune which is to feed the human being as a basis for physical as well as emotional and spiritual development on the earth.


Please feel free to share this invitation with your colleagues and interested members of your community. The seminar will be held in English!


To join this online meeting on 25 September please register on the following link:

Event Details
Community Event