From Goetheanum Section for Agriculture

Agri-Culture: Rhythms and Rituals

With biodynamic perspectives through the year: which natural rhythms influence agricultural life and how rituals help us to get in touch with nature. Join these monthly online offers!

What changes, what atmosphere, what particularities characterize each time of the year? How does the plant world develop, in which elements do we find the rhythm and how can we as humans be involved? On the one hand, we will delve into a specific topic, shed light on biodynamic specifics and also leave time for exchange.

The main language of the online sessions will be English. A Spanish interpretation has been organized. The sessions are recorded, the recording available upon request.

These monthly sessions available free of charge. However, those who would like to support the work of the section are cordially invited to contribute via the following link: here

14th April 2025, 14:00 – 15:30 CET
"The spirit of the earth"
We have already spoken of the living nature of the earth and also of the astral atmosphere. Now there are also spiritual aspects of the earth. We will delve deeper into this topic and also see what this has to do with rhythms and rituals. So in this last session of the series “Agriculture: Rhythms and Rituals” we will also take a look at Easter and the meaning of the cosmic Christ in anthroposophy. With Jean-Michel Florin and Eduardo Rincon
Registration here

For any questions or requests please contact:

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Community Event