Begin a Garden Workshop

Community Event
Sáb, 04/26/2025
East Coast

This workshop is for anyone who wants to start a vegetable garden, or improve their existing one!

Topics covered will include:
– Planning the garden (what goes where and when)
– Preparing the soil
– Fencing the garden
– Planting and raising seedlings
– Companion planting
– Making and using compost
– Weeding and mulching

Participants will walk away with the information and hands-on experience they need to get started this spring in their own garden.

Tickets: $95.00

Spikenard Beekeeping Training: Winter Module

Community Event
Mar, 01/28/2025 to Sáb, 02/01/2025
East Coast

In this workshop we will explore the many different types of beehives that beekeepers can make, and learn how to work with each of these. We will also weave a Sun Hive together out of rye straw and learn how to make the cow dung and clay paste that we use for extra insulation. We will be learning about and experiencing the different qualities of honey, wax, and propolis; we will dip candles together, and celebrate the growing light of Candlemas time with the queen bees who start laying eggs again at this time of year in anticipation of the season to come!

NOFA-NH 23rd Annual Winter Conference: Sowing Hope, Cultivating Joy

Community Event
Sáb, 02/08/2025
East Coast

Join us for NOFA-NH’s 23rd Annual Winter Conference: "Sowing Hope, Cultivating Joy," on February 8th, 2025, at Southern New Hampshire University. 

Where inspiration flourishes amidst the chill of winter! This unique New Hampshire event is designed for farmers, gardeners, food system professionals, and organic advocates eager to delve into the power of hope and the joy of tending to our land and communities.

Chesapeake Biodynamic Network: Talk with Brian Wort & Amy McCurdy

Community Event
Meeting / Gathering
Sáb, 01/25/2025
East Coast

The Chesapeake BioDynamic Network of Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, District of Columbia, & West Virginia announces a talk by Regenerative Farmers making use of biodynamics:

Brian Wort & Amy McCurdy

Saturday January 25


Christian Community Parish House

4221Metzerott Road

College Park, MD 20740

(further info:

Midwinter Agriculture Intensive

Community Event
Vie, 01/17/2025 to Lun, 01/20/2025
East Coast
Additional Event Info
Event Related Download: 

At the heart of biodynamics is the image of caring for the earth and her kingdoms, as you would for a living being, that can unfold and develop into an independent, self-sustaining individuality. The animals that live within (the worm), upon (the cow), and above (the bee) the earth will be our focus for this Midwinter’s Agriculture Intensive. Each of these realms have a digestive process within that transforms and creates something new, a gift for the land that is future-bearing.

Threefold Community Farm Earth Keepers Winter Session

Community Event
Mar, 01/21/2025
East Coast

From Threefold Community Farm:

Ages 7-13: Come learn all about the farm and the garden and your part in taking care of the earth. Winter Farm Arts sessions will include weekly take-home projects inspired by seasonal life on farm.  

8-week Winter Session (We offer this class at three different times to accommodate different learning schedules)

Homesteading Arts (soapmaking, candle making, broom making and more!) Tuesdays 10-11:30am Dates: Jan 21, Feb 4, 11, 25, Mar 4, 11, 18, 25 

Threefold Community Farm: Littlest Gardeners Winter Session

Community Event
Mié, 01/22/2025
East Coast

For ages 3-6: This class is designed for our littlest gardeners, and their caregiver, with a focus on the seasonal life cycle of the garden. Each week, songs, play, garden work, and seasonal garden art activities will be included.

8-week Winter Session: Wednesdays 1:30-3

Dates: Jan 22 Feb 5, 12, 26, Mar 5, 12, 19, 26

Winter Series Tuition: $320

Click here to register