An all-day event featuring some of the most cutting-edge speakers exploring the nexus between our agriculture, health -- of the planet as well as of animals (including us hu-mans) -- and environmental justice. The forum will be both a live event in our barn and a virtual event, viewable from anywhere. Our online streaming version will offer the same great content, plus translation into Spanish and some level of virtual connection to keep our online friends in the networking loop that has been such an important part of past events. We will provide lunch and dinner at the event, and offer rustic camping as an option for both the night before and after the forum.

The conference will focus on practical solutions to the various problems that impact us all, starting with healthy soil that yields healthy plants grown locally by healthy farmers in urban and rural areas. The use of fossil fuels will diminish as we divest in this sector and as people fight to save forests and indigenous lands to ensure clean water and air. New local jobs will be created by sunsetting fossil fuel consumption. By opting out of supporting a) fossil fuels, b) policies that favor prof-it over people, and c) the companion plague of industrial agriculture based on pesticides, herbicides and CAFOs, we can restore nutrition and healthy living systems.

The current list of confirmed speakers includes:

Curtis Aikens
Miyoko Schinner
Anne Biklé, Author of "What Your Food Ate"
Elizabeth Kaiser, Singing Frogs Farm
John Valenzuela, Permaculturist and fruit enthusiast
Sylvia Wu, Center for Food Safety
Trathen Heckman, Daily Acts
Nichole Warwick, Blue Zones
Anuradha Mittal, The Oakland Institute
Damon Connolly, CA Assembly Member - District 12

SAHF is being presented by Tara Firma Farms Institute, which is a 501c3 nonprofit organization. We are actively looking for sponsorships from like-minded companies and individuals who want to help educate our communities about these critical issues and help us to keep conference cost as low as possible.

We highly recommend this conference to students, educators, activists, farmers, scientists, investors, policy makers, health providers, families, urban planners and everyone else concerned about life on earth. Our vision is to expand our audience online to reach more people and offer content translation so we can get these important conversations into more and diverse communities.


Event Details
West Coast
Community Event
Tara Firma Farms Institute Petaluma , CA