Hosted by The Waldorf School of Santa Barbara and the Helen Hecker Study Group - Studies in Anthroposophy:

Sept 14, 2024   9:30am - 6:00pm with breaks for lunch (BYOL or buy locally) and healthy snacks (provided)

Harald Hoven introduces the history and evolution of biodynamics, the preparations, and their applications in a day-long workshop.  In the garden, we will build a compost pile together and close with a stir and spray of BD 500.  Join us to learn exceptional practices to nourish and invigorate your garden, farm, and landscape!

Fee: $35, $40 after Sept 7th 

Register at:

After completing a biodynamic training in Germany, Harald started farming in the Sacramento, CA area.  For 30 years, he worked as a farmer and teacher of biodynamics at Rudolf Steiner College, where he established a diversified small farm and trained close to 100 apprentices.  Now in semi-retirement, he consults farmers, mentors young practitioners, and teaches biodynamics internationally. 


9:30 - 11:00   Welcome and Morning Session - The History and Fundamentals of Biodynamic Gardening and Farming

11:00 - 11:30  Break - light snacks provided

11:30 - 1:00    Best Practices for Compost Making - Method and Observations

1:00 - 2:30      Lunch - Bring your own lunch or plan to eat at a nearby restaurant (suggestions listed below)

2:30 - 4:00      We Build a Compost Pile Together!

4:00 - 4:30      Break - light snacks provided

4:30 - 6:00      Community Stirring and Spraying of Biodynamic Soil Preparation in the Garden - Horn Manure Preparation (also known as BD 500)



  • A day outdoors, be prepared for both shade and sun.  

  • Participants are encouraged to bring a bucket of kitchen scraps from home to add to the compost pile.  

  • Bring a jar from home.  We hope to send folks home with some activated BD preparation for your gardens.

For further information please call or text Mary Thieme  (805) 455-9827

Event Details
West Coast
Community Event
Waldorf School of Santa Barbara - School Garden Goleta , CA
Repeats cada día until Sáb Sep 14 2024.