Welcome to the Biodynamic Research Group. We are an ad hoc group of gardeners, farmers, and scientists interested in research on biodynamics. Whether you are a farmer or a gardener, we invite you to participate in our first common research project in 2020. The project involves you and your soil.


The first objective of the project is to understand the mysterious life quality of the soil and how it manifests through time. The second objective is for you to build your capacity to observe and do this research.

What the results will do.

If you participate and inform us of your results it will help all of us to look for commonality in experience, and also look for ways to improve how we farm and garden. You can interact with us and others with your findings and questions by using the group forum we have formed. If there is sufficient work done by all participants we hope to have a collaborative session at the Biodynamic Association’s annual meeting in Colorado. There it may be possible to present your results in the form of a poster or showing soil samples and pictures and to learn from your experiences and the experiences of others.

Method for assessing soil quality focusing on your qualitative experiences.

Discover the methodology for participating in this project and learn how to register as a participant here

Join Walter Goldstein for a webinar on May 5 to learn more about how you can participate. 

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