As we work to build a sustainable food system that supports the health of both people and the planet, providing farmers with learning, mentoring and peer support and networking opportunities is essential. The 2016 North American Biodynamic Conference, “Tierra Viva: Farming the Living Earth," will share practical ways to work with the earth, water, soil and seeds as living entities and support their own inherent wisdom and integrity. We ask you to help us make this conference accessible to the hundreds of young and beginning farmers who will apply to our conference scholarship fund.

Biodynamics is a holistic approach to agriculture that enhances the health of food and landscapes by managing farms as intelligent, bio­diverse ecosystems­­creating oasis of life, beauty and nourishment for the local community. The Biodynamic Association (BDA) is a nonprofit association of individuals, groups, and organizations who are committed to rethinking agriculture through healthy food, healthy soil, and healthy farms. We began our work in 1938 and are considered to be the oldest sustainable agriculture organization in the United States.

Our conference brings together more than 700 farmers, gardeners, educators, researchers and food lovers to teach, learn, connect and share about biodynamics in a new region of the continent every two years. In addition to the dozens of educational workshops, participants also hear from inspiring keynote speakers, meet in peer to peer learning communities and visit and learn from thriving local farms.

Each time we hold this conference, we hear from more and more young and beginning farmers who yearn to learn new ideas and connect with other farmers at this exceptional educational and community building event, but lack the financial resources to attend. This year, we also making a special effort to open up our conference to the many Latin and Native American farmers who are also expressing a strong interest in this event. Can you help us?

Since its inception in 2010 the Biodynamic Scholarship Fund has awarded over $80,000 in scholarships to over 400 beginning farmers, experienced farmers and others to attend workshops and conferences all over the country. For our 2016 conference in Santa Fe, our goal is to award $30,000+ in scholarships to over 200 individuals.

As one 2014 scholarship recipient reflected:

Thank you so much for supporting such a large community of people who otherwise might not have been able to attend the 2014 Biodynamic conference in Louisville. The conference was generative. It provided me with time to reflect and touch base with why we are doing what we are doing. Also, I was able to expand on my experience and better understand the interconnectedness of soil, plant, animal and human nutrition.

-Vicki Mansoor, Cincinnati, Ohio

Your gift to our scholarship fund will help bring health to the land and to the lives of farmers and rural communities. Please feel free to contact us for further information. Thank you.