Interactive phone conference calls are a core activity of the Biodynamic Educators Collaborative. Recordings and handouts from past calls are available to download above. Our calls to date include:

  • March 27, 2014 with Cory Eichman, on the seven life processes as learning processes. Background reading for this call was Chapter 5 of Awakening the Will: Principles and Processes in Adult Learning, by Coenraad van Houten, especially pages 43-54. The book is available to read online as a google book or you can order a print copy from SteinerBooks. In order to read online, you may need to sign in with a google account.
  • July 24, 2014 with Leah Walker on biography work. Background reading for this call was Rudolf Steiner's lecture The Spiritual Individualities of the Planets, given at Dornach on July 27th, 1923. Recognizing that the planets are deeply significant within biodynamics, this lecture gives special consideration to planetary influences on human development. The last two paragraphs are of particular interest where the Sun's role in harmonizing necessity and freedom is described. On our call, we explored a couple of early experiences of individualizing during the Sun years (21-42).
  • October 2, 2014 with Jonathan Code on polarities. Suggested reading:
  • Join us to meet in person at the North American Biodynamic Conference, November 13-16 in Louisville, KY. Members of the Biodynamic Educators Collaborative will have a meetup on Saturday, November 15, and there will be several workshops for educators offered throughout the conference. 
  • Our next interactive call will take place in the winter.

Questions? Contact Thea at or 262-649-9212 x5