We would like to have all regional and local biodynamic groups listed in the Directory. We encourage each group's primary contact person or the group itself to have a membership with the Biodynamic Association. Please see the previous question for further information about how to complete the group's Directory listing. If you are the primary contact person for a group and you do not have access to listing it on page 2 of the Join the Directory form, please use the Directory Feedback form with the subject "Would like to list farm, group, business, educational center, or organization" to send us your name, your group name, your email address, and an optional daytime phone number. We will set up your membership record so you can complete and submit the group's directory listing. On the directory listing, please tell us if there are several contact persons for your group and if they have different roles (e.g., primary contact, treasurer, program coordinator, membership coordinator, librarian/person who receives the journal by mail, etc.). You may use the Feedback form or email members@biodynamics.com if you have questions. Thank you.