Biodynamic Association Hosts
2014 North American Biodynamic Conference
Farming for Health
November 13-16 Louisville, Ky

Louisville, Ky. (September 23, 2014) —Hundreds of farmers, gardeners, educators and food lovers will gather at the Hyatt Regency Louisville, 311 S. 4th November 13-16 for the Biodynamic Association’s 2014 North American Biodynamic Conference. Biodynamics is considered by many to be the most advanced and holistic form of organic farming and gardening. This year’s theme, Farming for Health, focuses on how biodynamic principles and practices can help us understand and enhance the health of the soil, plants, animals and people.

“Making the connection between our health and the ways in which our food is produced is essential,” says organic farmer, Janey Newton, founder of Foxhollow Farm in Crestwood, Kentucky. “The speakers and workshops being offered at the Biodynamic Conference afford an amazing opportunity to understand the practices of biodynamic agriculture and their effect upon human health. We encourage anyone interested in food and health to attend so that these life-enhancing practices will be understood and embraced in our community’s food channels,” continues Newton.

Biodynamics is a ecological-ethical-spiritual approach to agriculture, food production and nutrition that encompasses more than 90 years of successful practices illustrated in thousands of abundant gardens, farms, vineyards, and agricultural operations. Biodynamic practitioners have played a key role in the renewal of agriculture—helping pioneer the early organic farming movement, inspiring the work of Silent Spring author Rachel Carson, piloting the first community supported agriculture (CSA) programs and demonstrating how to bring health and flavor back into our food.

This biennial conference is the foremost opportunity in North America to learn about biodynamics, innovations in organics, permaculture and ecological agriculture. The four days are filled with dynamic keynote presentations, informative and practical workshops from leading farmers and educators, on-farm field days, community building, exhibits, festive music and dancing, film screenings, artistic activities, and locally-sourced biodynamic and organic foods. A celebratory local food and wine tasting opens the main conference on Thursday 6-8 p.m. featuring Biodynamic wines, beverages and creative local food tastings made from ingredients from regional organic and biodynamic farms.

Families are encouraged to attend the conference, which offers children’s activities, childcare, and free registration for children 17 and under. The conference is a unique opportunity for people new to biodynamics, as well as those interested in organic or sustainable farming and gardening, to learn more about the biodynamic approach to agricultural renewal.

“Biodynamics brings together a rich and diverse community who share a deep desire to restore the health and vitality to our food, farms and communities,” says Biodynamic Association Executive Director, Robert Karp. “We are thrilled to be holding our upcoming educational conference in Kentucky. With its deep agricultural heritage, there is so much awareness of the value of eating local, organic and biodynamic food it is a good fit.”

More than 60 workshops in 13 tracks will address the conference’s Farming for Health theme through such topics as building biodynamic soil, seed saving, urban biodynamic farming and gardening, maintaining livestock health, starting and growing a CSA, beekeeping, composting, understanding the biodynamic preparations, and working with cosmic rhythms. On-farm field day opportunities offer hands on experiences of biodynamics at three local farms: Foxhollow Farm, Lyvers Farm and Long Hungry Creek Farm.

The Biodynamic Conference features three inspiring keynote presentations: “Human Health from the Ground Up” with Dr. Daphne Miller, integrative primary care physician, professor, ecological advocate and author of Farmacology: What Innovative Family Farming Can Teach Us About Health and Healing; “Making the Soil, Food, Health Connection” with Patrick Holden, founding director of the Sustainable Food Trust and former director of the U.K. Soil Association; and “Biodynamics and Health” with a diverse panel of four biodynamic farmers and health practitioners.

Pre-registration for the conference is open through October 31. Walk-in registration is available on site at the event. For more information and conference updates visit or call (262) 649-9212 ext 2.

The Biodynamic Association (BDA) is a non-profit association of individuals, groups and organizations who are rethinking agriculture to create healthy food, healthy soil and healthy farms. Founded in 1938, the BDA today serves thousands of gardens, farms, vineyards and agricultural operations striving to create diverse, balanced farm and garden ecosystems that generate health and fertility. Biodynamics is not just a holistic agricultural system, but also a potent movement for new thought and practices in all aspects of life connected to food and agriculture.

Media Contact: Penny Molina, Conference Coordinator,, (608) 335-3550