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In February, Anthony and Mecca and I hosted a regional BING meetup at Hawthorne Valley Farm, in conjunction with the Winter Biodynamic Intensives. About 15 people participated, including participants in the course as well as local Hawthorne Valley apprentices.
As an introduction, I brought farmy images and nature scenes from the Pfeiffer Center in the form of small laminated pictures. I spread them out on a table and asked people to choose a picture they most relate to or were inspired by. We went around room and said names and one word/or phrase as to why we chose that picture. We hoped that this introduction would help warm the space and allow everyone's voice to resonate in the room.
Our world cafe conversations were focused on the question "What is the role and responsibility of the human being in relationship to the farm?" Anthony went over world cafe process and guidelines, and asked participants to really observe and note the questions that emerged during their conversations, out of the group and themselves.
Here are some of those questions:
One of my goals is to create more of a regional "learning community," especially between Hawthorne Valley area and the Pfeiffer Center area. This meetup was a good way to start, and helped generate more ideas on how to foster this community.
Megan Durney is Head Gardener at the Pfeiffer Center. She is also a graduate of the North American Biodynamic Apprenticeship Program.