Chesapeake BioDynamic Network


The Chesapeake BioDynamic Network of Virginia, Maryland, Delaware,

District of Columbia, & West Virginia announces:

Stewart Lundy - Biodynamic Agriculture Talk

Stewart Lundy & Natalie McGill run the cutting edge biodynamic Perennial Roots Farm in Accomac, VA

Stewart is also the Director at the Josephine Porter Institute of Applied Biodynamics in Floyd, VA

Saturday March 8 at 7:00pm at the Christian Community Parish

House located at 4221 Metzerott Road in College Park, MD 20740

(further info:

Complimentary Biodynamic Coffee will be served

Biodynamic Coffee will be sale

Biodynamic Stella Natura Biodynamic Planting Calendars will be on sale

Chromatography & Biodynamics (Talk at 7:00pm)

Seeing the Unseen: Determining Soil Health

with Chromatography

Explore soil dynamics revealed as pictures suitable for qualitative analysis. From a snapshot of a soil sample, you can see at a glance the soil organic matter, the diversity of soil microbiology, enzyme levels, how well integrated the living topsoil and subsoil might be, and the quality of organic matter. And all just from a picture you can affordably make yourself without needing a darkroom.

Sponsored by:

The Christian Community of Washington-Baltimore

Anthroposophical Society Greater Washington Branch

(Donations are warmly welcomed)

Event Details
East Coast
College Park , MD