At the heart of biodynamics is the image of caring for the earth and her kingdoms, as you would for a living being, that can unfold and develop into an independent, self-sustaining individuality. The animals that live within (the worm), upon (the cow), and above (the bee) the earth will be our focus for this Midwinter’s Agriculture Intensive. Each of these realms have a digestive process within that transforms and creates something new, a gift for the land that is future-bearing. Lectures 4, 7 and 8 in Rudolf Steiner’s course, Agriculture, will be the supporting foundation for our journey together. We hope to deepen our relationship with these visible beings, as well as their unseen counterparts in the elemental world, who play such a vital role in weaving together the farm individuality.
We will spend this festive Midwinter time in lecture, conversation, meal sharing, and artistic and practical activities. And of course, you won’t want to miss our much anticipated annual talent show!
Who is this course for?
This course is most accessible to those who have some familiarity with Rudolf Steiner’s spiritual scientific perspective, but is open to all. Whether you are a farmer, gardener, teacher, eurythmist or just anyone who would like to spend time in community deepening their understanding of the living earth, we welcome you!
Discount availabe for farm interns!