
Saturday, November 23, 2019



Event Description

Bringing seed saving to your farm or garden will complete the circle of life of your crops and will present you with a gift for the future. Over time, you will develop highly individualized seeds that will be uniquely suited to your land, because they evolved in that environment. You could not buy such seed! This workshop will introduce fundamental principles of seed growing and teach you important first steps. Where should you grow your seeds, what are fertility requirements, and—very importantly—which plant varieties will be good for you to grow? You will also learn how to select plants from your grow-out and how to clean and store your seeds. At the end, you will have more seeds than your need, and you can share them with your friends. After some experience, you can also sell seeds to Biodynamic or organic seed companies. Seed saving brings endless joy!

Photo credit: Broken Banjo Photography



Workshop Session C