At the bottom of the Join page, please see the End-of-Page Checklist to ensure you have completed all the necessary steps to save your listing.
Before you click "Next Page," have you:
1) Completed all mandatory fields: First Name, Last Name, Country, Email Address?
2) Clicked "Yes" to be included in the Directory?
3) Either added a website address or cleared the Website field so it's blank?
4) If you added a photo, it is within the size guidelines. (If you can't save your listing, upload a smaller one.)
5) Clicked "Yes" to Terms and Conditions of Use?
6) Answered last question about adding an organization?
A) If No, you are listing yourself only, Click Next Page button. On next page, clear Website field. At bottom, click "Submit your information now."
B) If Yes, you would like to list your farm, business, etc., Click Next Page button. Complete the next page. At bottom, click "Submit your information now."
If you still have problems after following these steps and you uploaded an image, try uploading a smaller one.
Please feel free to contact the Biodynamic Farming and Gardening Association's Membership Department at 262-649-9212 for assistance or email us your feedback or questions here.