The Chesapeake BioDynamic Network of Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, District of Columbia, & West Virginia announces a talk by Regenerative Farmers making use of biodynamics:
Brian Wort & Amy McCurdy
Saturday January 25
Christian Community Parish House
4221Metzerott Road
College Park, MD 20740
(further info:
Complimentary Biodynamic Coffee served
(Biodynamic Coffee on sale & Biodynamic Stella Natura Biodynamic Planting Calendars on sale)
Becoming a Regenerative Farmer in the our Modern World and Employing Biodynamics in Healthy Agriculture
These BD Farmers manage Sally Fallon's Farm (PA Bowen Farmstead) right here in Maryland. Sally Fallon is widely known for her work with Nourishing Traditions & The Weston A. Price Foundation.
Bio: Brian Wort, Farm Manager and Cheesemaker Raised in the Midwest where his grandparents on both sides farmed for their families, Brian has a strong love for traditional methods of agriculture and cooking. He learned Regenerative Farming techniques on a pasture-based farm in Northern California, raising chickens, hand-milking cows, and learning about Management-Intensive Grazing (MIG). While familiar with the basic concepts, Brian started using Biodynamic methods regularly on the farm 11 years ago when he joined P.A. Bowen Farmstead. He studied intensively with Hugh Lovel for several years, and consults regularly while daily improving the farm organism known as P.A. Bowen Farmstead through management and application of biodynamic agriculture principles. He is happiest when he is working with his hands and/or with livestock.
Bio: Amy McCurdy, Sales and Marketing Manager Amy is a writer, editor and publicist who also happens to be passionate about farming. She wrote a monthly column on sustainable living when she and Brian were in the San Francisco Bay Area, and was a founding member of Sustainable San Ramon, a non-profit organization dedicated to educating the community about sustainable living practices. She and Brian have worked farmers markets selling organic products for the past 15 years in both Northern California and Maryland. Amy has been managing the Farm Store at P.A. Bowen Farmstead for the past decade, and produces a weekly newsletter with over 3,500 subscribers. She is vice president of the local citizens’ organization, The Greater Baden and Aquasco Citizens Association (GBACA). When she is not working in the Farm Store or at a farmers market, Amy can be found at a café writing in her notebook.
Sponsored by:
The Christian Community of Washington-Baltimore
Anthroposophical Society Greater Washington Branch
(Donations are warmly welcomed)