In this workshop we will explore the many different types of beehives that beekeepers can make, and learn how to work with each of these. We will also weave a Sun Hive together out of rye straw and learn how to make the cow dung and clay paste that we use for extra insulation. We will be learning about and experiencing the different qualities of honey, wax, and propolis; we will dip candles together, and celebrate the growing light of Candlemas time with the queen bees who start laying eggs again at this time of year in anticipation of the season to come!
Wonderful home-cooked organic lunches and snacks are provided.
Please note: Graduates of our Spikenard Biodynamic Beekeeping Training (SBBT) are invited to attend this workshop at the reduced rate of $150 ($30/day SBBT graduate auditing rate). Please contact me at to register for auditing. Come to the Sanctuary for continued renewal, inspiration, and colleagueship!