by Blaire Ladd
The first NABDAP regional Northern California gathering was held at Frey Vineyards for a Pig Butchering Workshop on May 11, 2013. The event was a great opportunity for the next generation of young farmers to congregate, share their experiences, discuss their perspective on Biodynamics, dream what the future of agriculture could look like, all while gaining a whole new respect for a beautiful animal.
Luke Frey and Tamara Wilder wonderfully co-hosted the workshop together. They are amazing teachers and eloquently led us step by step from slaughtering to butchering to table. Luke graciously opened his home to us, brought his life long experience working with animals and shared his insightful Biodynamic perspectives. He encouraged us to share our thoughts and be heard. He made us feel more than welcomed and always had a big smile and positive attitude. Tamara brought 25 years of researching and practicing ancient living skills, the art of butchering and how to use every part of the animal. She shined as her extensive knowledge of the anatomy and its intricacies was incredible. We feasted on organ meat all weekend long.
About half of our time together was spent cooking with Tamara’s guidance. We made blood sausage, pate, head cheese, sweetbreads, italian sausage, blood pudding, curried lung stew, tongue, liver and onions, fried heart rings, menudo, roasted head with 5 chinese spice bourbon glaze, gelatin, chilled ear salad, and most special of all was an Italian chocolate blood ice cream called Sanguinaccio that was delicious! We also had the opportunity to cut up a whole half into porkchops, bacon, ribs, roasts and much more. All and all I felt that processing an animal in this community gathering setting is the way things should be. It brought growth, understanding, respect and reverence. I encourage everyone to create community events to bring new, deeper meanings to agriculture and the food we eat.