
Saturday, November 23, 2019


Dollar East

Event Description

Awareness of the benefits and impacts of farm-based education has been growing. More and more farms are offering educational programs for children and many more traditional learning institutions have been adding gardening and animals to their offerings. This workshop will highlight two different approaches to developing farm-based educational programs for children. The land stewardship program at the Hartsbrook Waldorf School was developed to provide their students with the opportunity to more fully integrate their Waldorf School education through a hands-on approach to the curriculum throughout the elementary and high school years. The educational programs at Hawthorne Valley Farm strive to integrate children into the workings of a larger, more commercial farm setting. Each program works out of a Biodynamic approach to farming and nature as well as Waldorf understanding of child development in order to develop their curriculum and organize the farming activities of the children they serve. We will provide plenty of time for questions and answers and hope for all participants in the workshop to come ready for a highly interactive, lively, and generative discussion about how we can further farm-based education.


Workshop Session C