
Sunday, November 18, 2018



Event Description

As we as humans only exist within the larger frame of other people, animals, plants, rocks, and minerals, so does a vineyard exist only within the scope of a multitude of interacting beings, substances, and processes. It is this similarity of interactions within a greater context that points to the framework of considering a vineyard — or farm — as a "self-contained organism," which is a fundamental starting point within the biodynamic practice. This farm organism can be seen as a developed and highly organized entity with rhythmically functioning "organs" and "organ systems" working with and toward a purpose. While our purpose, as it relates to the vineyard, is traditionally the highest-quality grapes, there is conceivably a higher purpose. One could say this higher purpose is to bring about balance and health to the land, plants, animals, etc. that hold the vineyard and that inhabit the space of the land. This lecture will focus on overall soil health and a balanced farm system, which can be achieved through the following areas: cover cropping and biodiversity, along with the biodynamic sprays. Discussion of cover crops will include the 4 primary plant types (legume, grass/small grain, brassica, and flower) and the value of diverse plantings within a reasonable scale. Regarding biodiversity, we will look at increasing and encouraging both plant and animal biodiversity in the form of domesticated and/or wild animals, trees, hedges, habitat, windbreaks, etc — while creating functionality as well as beauty on a farm scale with multiple layers of benefit.


Workshop Session F